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If you are in Lahore as a guest or a tourist, you will definitely hear or read some where about "Foot Street" in Gawalmandi Lahore. You will still see crowds inside Food Street at night. Don't be fooled; now only two types of people come here (a) tourists from smaller cities around Lahore who are not familiar with nice dining areas in Lahore or (b) your guest visiting Lahore, he will definitely insist on visiting food street because the place is over projected in the media as a prime tourist spot. There is yet another population that loves to visit this place, they are the guys who live inside nearby streets and who come here just for "pooondi" as their favorite past time.I am not saying concept of Food Street was a wrong idea, but the food quality is down to earth.Do visit this place and have a leisurely walk, you will definitely enjoy, but have your dinner in Lakshami Chowk that is just 10-15 minutes walk from here.

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